Over the past 100 years many the original daffodils bulbs planted by the Fields still bloom. In homage to Evelyn Field, the Foundation has planted 100,000 assorted daffodil bulbs to have their first bloom in time for the State Park’s system’s 100th Anniversary this spring. Most of the bulbs were planted in one day using a tractor-drawn bulb planter imported from The Netherlands.
The "naturalized" planting of daffodil bulbs will push up through the turf before the grass begins to grow in spring. “This machine greatly reduces the labor required to establish naturalized bulb plantings,” says Miller, a professor in the Horticulture Section of the School of Integrative Plant Science and director of Cornell’s Flower Bulb Research Program. “Some people might be concerned about the lack of precise placement of the bulbs,” notes Miller. “But actually, most bulbs are forgiving about how deep they are planted, despite what you might see on the labels. They also do fine if not planted right side up.”
Trail markers will be added throughout the Park this spring to help navigate around Caumsett’s 1500-acres. These posts will be effective in communicating directional and regulatory information along trails, as well as mileage locations.